Mettler Cotton 0030 Sm 40 Wt Iris Blue.
Whether hidden or highlighted as decorative stitching, SILK-FINISH COTTON 40 works perfectly when used for machine or hand quilting. Cotton 40 is mercerized for high breaking and shrinkage resistance as well as giving it that Mettler quality silk finish for smooth and soft machine or hand quilting. Tex 46. Manufacturer recommends needle size 80-90. 100% Cotton. Old color number 136-0673 or 136-673.
Mettler Cotton 1373 Sm 40 Wt Cosmic Sky. Whether hidden or highlighted as decorative stitching, SILK-FINISH COTTON 40 works perfectly when used for machine or hand quilting. Cotton 40 is mercerized for high breaking and shrinkage resistance as well as giving it that Mettler quality silk finish for smooth and soft machine or hand quilting. Tex 46. Manufacturer recommends needle size 80-90. 100% Cotton. Old color number 136-0575 or 136-575.
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